The Future of Cyber Security Jobs

A woman typing and working on her laptop

Cyber security has become popular with the numerous cyber attacks

What does the job market for cyber security professionals look like in 2022? The cyber security sector is a dynamic and important industry in the world today, and it will continue to be so.

According to Statista, the global cyber security market size is forecast to grow to 345.4 billion U.S. dollars by 2026. As cybercrime continues to rise, companies spend a lot to strengthen and secure their digital infrastructures.

Cyber security has become a vital component of every organization’s sustainability, security, and growth plans in today’s digital environment. The demand for its talent will only continue to rise as businesses evolve.

However, in order to close the ever-widening skill gap in the global cyber security employment market, various difficulties must be overcome. In this article, you will be introduced to the future of cyber security jobs. 

Security Threats in the Future of Cyber Security

Cyber security protects computer systems and networks against information leakage, theft, or damage to their electronic data, hardware, or software, as well as service disruption or misdirection. These threats or problems can take several forms, some of which are listed below.

Well-organized Gangs 

People operating from their bedrooms are no longer considered cyber criminals. Cyber crime has evolved into a well-organized industry that shares data and information across international borders. 

Like the 2017 Wannacry attack, which affected over a quarter of a million devices in 150 countries, gangs have banded together to create and deploy coordinated ransomware attacks on a huge scale. In the future of cyber security, this type of assault will become more widespread.

Unreliable Internet

The Internet is made up of tens of thousands of computing resources spread throughout the globe, all of which are maintained by tens of thousands of people and organizations. Some of these providers are legal entities required to comply with their country’s laws and regulations, although this is not the case for all. The Internet is essentially an unregulated network.

The number of providers will continue to increase on a global scale, with some of them operating in nations with a poor regulatory history. When nation-state disagreements, whether over trade, human rights, or anything else, become more common, the possibility of hackers stealing data carried over the internet rises.

Attacks Backed by the Government

We’ve already witnessed cyberattacks that appeared to come from foreign countries. The goal may be to cause disruption or theft, but as our lives grow increasingly digital, we must ask if cyber security will be the next battleground when nations clash. 

A cyber attack on electricity generation might bring a nation’s whole infrastructure to a halt, forcing it to take action such as lifting economic sanctions against the attacking countries.

Attacks Through Phishing

Phishing assaults have become more sophisticated and have increased year by year. Although email is used by a large percentage of the world’s population, just a small fraction of those who use it have received IT security training. 

As a result, the rest of the population is particularly vulnerable to phishing attacks. An increasing number of people and businesses will lose data, have their systems hacked, and pay cyber criminals ransom. This will boost the amount of money accessible to hackers, allowing them to create more complex attacks and fund other illegal activities like drug production and trafficking.

Hiring Challenges in the Cyber Security Job Market

The worldwide cyber security job market is rapidly expanding, with a high demand for cyber security specialists. Companies are recruiting more cyber security experts to create, implement, and manage their cyber security solutions and digital infrastructures as they strive to modernize.

However, demand for cyber security workers is outpacing supply, which is a compelling argument to explore a career in the field. When it comes to employing professionals, today’s modern firms face some obstacles.

Talent Shortage in Cyber Security

According to the cyber security job report by Cyber Security Ventures, the number of unfilled cyber security jobs increased by 350 percent between 2013 and 2021, from one million to 3.5 million.

The cyber security skills deficit is real, and the talent gap is widening each year. Organizations seeking to hire cyber security specialists should provide appealing benefits and learning and development opportunities. These entice younger generations to pursue cyber security as a career path, which will help to alleviate the worldwide cyber security skills gap. 

You can gain the necessary skills by enrolling in training and gain the necessary technical skills needed by enrolling in coding bootcamps. Coding bootcamps are short and intensive programs that teach you job-ready tech skills, and there are good bootcamps, such as App Academy, Flatiron, and Coding Dojo, that you can attend. 

The Gender Wage Disparity 

Women in the cyber security industry are paid much less than men, with an average pay gap of 21 percent globally. As a business, consider hiring women for your security team to help shift today’s male-dominated cyber security job market.

In the long run, equal pay for women in cyber security, as well as support for parity, will help your company set diversity standards. This benefits the industry by bringing new ideas for preventing attacks and creating secure settings to the table.

Why is Cyber Security a Good Career?

Accelerated Growth

Due to the rapid expansion, cyber security experts can scale up and make significant financial rewards. A cyber security professional earns an average base salary of $83,516 per year in the United States.

Professionals can also bargain for their pay. The demand for cyber security specialists vastly outnumbers the supply due to a scarcity of technically proficient workers. As a result, unemployment is almost zero, making finding jobs in this industry much easier.

Cyber Security Jobs Are Always in High Demand

There are predictions that there will be an exponential growth in the demand for cyber security experts. These professionals can specialize in a variety of fields, such as safe network administration or information technology.

As a result, businesses are emphasizing the creation of secure, scalable digital infrastructures. This includes application development security and cloud security, which are two of the fastest-growing skill categories in cyber security. 

Each of these specializations necessitates a distinct set of skills. There are several reliable cyber security training programs that can help you develop in-demand cyber security skills and boost your career.

Role Diversity and Growth

By 2029, cyber security jobs are expected to rise by 31 percent, approximately seven times faster than the national average job growth rate of 4 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Several options include Network Security Engineers, Information Security Analysts, Forensics Experts, and Penetration Testers.

Certifications can help you advance in your cyber security profession, even if you start as an entry-level system administrator. This will aid in gaining knowledge of cutting-edge core security technologies and processes that businesses utilize to safeguard their assets.


Now that the entire globe depends so heavily on technology, it makes sense to transition into a job in cyber security. Cyber security is becoming an essential part of every organization’s sustainability, security, and growth plans in today’s digital environment. The demand for cyber security talent will only increase in 2022 and beyond as businesses continue to modernize.

Segba Eseoghene Keva Laya is a content writer with extensive experience in the field and with her own blog. In the future, she hopes to become a life coach and continue sharing ideas on her own website. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and International Studies from the University of Uyo.

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