Cory Doctorow
One year ago today
Black Code: how spies, cops and crims are making cyberspace unfit for human habitation:Ronald Diebert’s new book Black Code is an amazing account of how cops, spies and crooks all treat the Internet as the same kind of thing: a tool for getting information out of people without their knowledge or consent, and how they end up in a kind of emergent conspiracy to erode the net’s security to further their own ends. It’s an absolutely brilliant and important book:
Five years ago today
HOWTO keep your parody site safe from legal bullies: Hugh sez, “The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Corynne McSherry has put together a great whitepaper with tips on how to avoid having your parody or gripe site shut down.”
Ten years ago today
Google’s spyware best-principles proposal: Google has posted a list of proposed best-practices for Internet software, such as toolbars, which aims at separating spyware from other apps.