Microsoft to shutter security email feed on July 1

Gov ‘automated electronic messaging’ bans force RSS feeds down infosec pros’ maws

Microsoft will suspend a 12 year-old email mailing list that offers news of security updates, in a decision possibly tied to tougher Canadian anti-spam laws.
As of July 1st 2014, sysadmins and infosec bods will get their news from a Redmond RSS feed to receive update of new Microsoft security alerts.
“As of July 1, 2014, due to changing governmental policies concerning the issuance of automated electronic messaging, Microsoft is suspending the use of email notifications that announce [security bulletins and notifications],” the email read.
The mailing list established in 2002 predated coordinated Patch Tuesday updates and was used to keep tech bods abreast of early security alerts, vulnerability details and advisory revisions.
The date of the suspension coincides with tough new Canadian anti-spam laws which also come in effect 1 July.
Under those laws, organisations must gain a user’s explicit opt-in consent for communication mediums such as mailing lists or risk a $10 million fine.
Microsoft Canada has penned a sign up form backed by a $500 hat draw to entice users to stay connected with Redmond. ®
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