Alissa Walker
03 Trailer from Jonathan Schiefer on Vimeo.
The new film Algorithm tracks the travails of Will, a freelance computer hacker who “breaks into a top-secret government contractor and downloads all their recently developed programs.” Like the subjects it tackles, the film has a tech-forward business model that make it more like a startup than a cinematic feature: It’s free today only.
That’s right, the film is free to watch on Vimeo right now, during this 24-hour period on July 14 (maybe something to do with Bastille Day?) and then will disappear. Update: Looks like it was already pulled—I was confused about the time—but you can watch it here. Two weeks later, it will available as streaming video, for sale via the website. There will be HD downloads, DVD, and Blu-ray sales, and finally, if the audience demonstrates enough demand, then they’ll do a theater run. The idea is that the film is allows everyone who worked on it to participate in its success with a profit-share agreement. You can even donate to the film after you watch it, if you’re feeling generous.
Of course, we haven’t seen Algorithm yet so we have absolutely no idea if it’s good. But since it’sfree for the taking for another few hours, what do you have to lose? Let’s just hope it doesn’t fall victim to the stereotypes found in most Hollywood hacker portrayals. Or at least the bare minimum necessary to not be boring. CRASH OVERRIDE. [Algorithm]